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EP 18 - Making DeFi on bitcoin a full scale reality with Edan Yago of Sovryn


For a lot of us DeFi on bitcoin isn't something we've taken seriously. Edan Yago and the rest of the team at Sovryn are ready to change those perceptions with what I see as a very serious play in the DeFi space. Their model for decentralization, stablecoins, the products they've built, the partners that are integrating, and the products being built on Sovryn OS means it should be taken very seriously. Amazing discussion that includes:

Yago's experience smuggling gold coins as a child to fight apartheid

How he built a payment system for crypto

How he built early AMM and liquidity models and shut it down before launch, because he was concerned about user security.

As a man from a family of activists, it is obvious that he is driven to make bitcoin and financial freedom a reality.

I am very excited for the potential.

Name of Guest: Edan Yago
Name of Project: Sovryn
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